Monday, February 26, 2007

Round 1: Southern Bracket

Southern Conference Game 1
By whatever name you call the Supreme Being --Jehovah, Allah, Goddess, the Divine Spark-- iGoddess is the state of being when the Divine Wow within connects with your inner Funk. It's about taking that swig of mystical habanero juice that clears out the mystical sinuses. It's about playing poker with the Gambler With A Soul and losing everything, so you can then be blessed with everything. It's about a good, hard poke in the third eye. The Universe is secretly conspiring to shower you with blessings, and I'm just doing my part to let people know where to find the party. A little humor, a little real life, and a lot of funk.

Once in a Lifetime
No description to date.

Southern Conference Game 2
Miss Britt
It's been said that I am a woman who can use the word f*ck in a sentence and make it sound like art. My blog is a masterpiece. ;-) I'm just a woman with a job, family, sense of humor, opinion on everything - and no life.

Random and Odd
No description sent.

Southern Conference Game 3
Party Vikings
Party Vikings was originally started to promote my fledgling acting/comedy career. Since it apparently takes hundreds of years to get that kind of career started, the blog became a place to vent my frustration at the daily setbacks of the struggling actor with the struggling day jobs. The stories are true and meant to be comedic because if I can't get on a stage and tell 'em, at least I can put them here for anyone to read and get a chuckle.

Bye in Round 1

Southern Conference Game 4
Another cup of coffee and I may get something done
Um...daily ramblings of a 30-something disorganized crazy minivan-driving coffee-addicted, technically-challenged, artist-wannabe holey-sock mending mom.

Straight White Guy
Nothing sent to date about his blog.

Southern Conference Game 5
An Editorial of Life
I am a twenty-something, new mother to an exuberant daughter, Maizie, and happily married to Joe. We live in rural Wisconsin in our new home that is more work than its worth. I work semi-part-time in government administration (licking stamps and collating); a gigantic step-down after five ambitious years in sales and marketing management. My hobbies include showering, going to the bathroom alone with the door shut and sleeping more than eight hours. No really, I enjoy the basics; tasty food, cheap wine, a book to escape and something inspiring to listen to.

Bye in Round 1

Southern Conference Game 6
Lost Hear and Beyond
This Blog is a diary of my past, the soapbox of my present and my thoughts about the future. It’s about my journey from the streets to where I am now with all the fun that happened in the middle. I believe in saying it, as it is, raw to the point and in a language everyone can understand.

Past Imperfect
I am Pat ; grand mother but still a girl at heart. Married to MTL(my true love)after a separation of 30 years. Had three careers: trained paediatric nurse, National photographic model and business woman. Now settled in SW and enjoying our five children and ten grandchildren and making the most of what time we have left.

Southern Conference Game 7
Amy's Musings
The blog of a 30-something woman who is trying to evolve into some kind of unattainable perfection. Until that moment of enlightenment I’m sarcastic, opinionated, reserve the right to use foul language profusely when necessary, and usually always have something to say no matter how completely asinine it might be.

These Walls Have Ears
No description sent yet.

Southern Conference Game 8
Random Ramblings
The musings of a wandering soul. A writer, a poet, a free mind. Questions every alive and aware mind asks, but only the innocent child can answer. And its the innocence that speaks out here. No consciousness of stares and glares, and no botherations with etiquette. I am who I am, and I write what I am.

Shelli's Sentiments
My blog is about my life experience as I interpret it. Sometimes it is funny and sometimes it is sad. I talk about my children, my husband, my friends and my granddaughter. I also write about things that I observe happening to me, my family or just life around the world. Most of the time, I am non-confrontational, but I have been known to throw in a rant or two here and there. I love writing and that is what drives this blog.