18:09 12 August 2005
NewScientist.com news service
Gaia Vince
Researchers have finally found evidence for what good Catholic boys have known all along – erotic images make you go blind. The effect is temporary and lasts just a moment, but the research has added to road-safety campaigners’ calls to ban sexy billboard-advertising near busy roads, in the hope of preventing accidents.
The new study by US psychologists found that people shown erotic or gory images frequently fail to process images they see immediately afterwards. And the researchers say some personality types appear to be affected more than others by the phenomenon, known as “emotion-induced blindness”.">NewScientist.com news service
Gaia Vince
Researchers have finally found evidence for what good Catholic boys have known all along – erotic images make you go blind. The effect is temporary and lasts just a moment, but the research has added to road-safety campaigners’ calls to ban sexy billboard-advertising near busy roads, in the hope of preventing accidents.
The new study by US psychologists found that people shown erotic or gory images frequently fail to process images they see immediately afterwards. And the researchers say some personality types appear to be affected more than others by the phenomenon, known as “emotion-induced blindness”.
Okay, I saw this article many months ago, saved it to my "Drafts" and never commented on it. I will comment on it today. Well, sort of. The story is interesting and cute; not sure it is Earth shattering. But I have been very cognizant on my site not to include erotic images. Not because I think you are viewing my blog on your Blackberry while traveling down I-95 going 60 miles per hour. But because for some, erotic images are very intoxicating. Not many, but some.
And I have been going back and forth about composing other erotic stories now that I am a changed woman, whatever the heck that means. Should I still compose such stories, or does this cheapen my blog, my writing, my soul. I don't know the answer to this.
When I first started composing my erotic stories, I e-mailed them to a woman in England. She had an erotic site, and she posted stories of amateur writers like me. Well, every once in a while I would make sure her site was still up. I could tell from the postings that it was dying – we have all seen that from sites. Well, the site has died, not sure when it dies, but it has died.
I am toying with the idea of taking those stories, not the one's I wrote (since they are all on my blog), and posting them to another blog, one at a time. I am not sure how long it would take me to do this, but it would be a chance at not losing these works.
Anyway, here is the site I have chosen. But I cannot promise how long I can keep this up. Perhaps over time, I can add a helper or two, if there are other stories that others want to preserve.
Happy 2006!
Random Acts of Kindness Week is 2/14 - 2/20
1 week ago
Wonderful to have you back, Leesa. I tried to ration out your stories while you were away, but to no avail. It appears that your writing is nearly as captivating as I'm certain you are.
joe: you do make a girl blush! I thought of another plot, but I don't have the energy to write it for a while. I am back at work, catching up on lots of things.
Welcome back....you've been missed!
I am in love with Joe's comment.
mike: you are a sweetie.
shannon: what story? The tradition comment? I guess that is sort of a story - maybe I think in story form.
GP: always trying to entice the men around here, GP. Missed you, sweetie!
storm: oh, stormie, I forgot you were a reader. Drats, you are a real author. Please don't think too badly of me.
shannon: oh, so you are looking at my other site. Yeah, I really did not read it. I am just trying to preserve something for the future. I am just that darned committed to masterbation!
Like your idea, but here's why I think the pictures may not be a good idea: when people like me, see pornographic images on the computer, all I can think about is the threat of viruses. I'm wondering how many cookies are being downloaded to my hard drive.
shannon: one thousand kisses to you! I understand why you were confused; because the blog was confusing. I owe you a back rub!
boris: yeah, I am not going to use the images from the site. The images, no doubt, are why most visited the site. The woman asked all of us to send in pictures of our vaginas for posting, and as I recall, nearly all were "natural". I will not post any images, and this is another reason why! Thanks, boris!
I love Joe's comment too, enough to turn a girls head, huh?
I missed you, glad you're back. Hope you're enjoying the new year so far.
Hugs sweetie.
i don't know. maybe ne eye at a time.
if the blind part is true, should they also worry about hairy palms too?
kathi: yeah, I think all of us girls enjoy Joe.
shannon: yeah, I finally got around to linking to you. I have been visiting by clicking on your name, then clicking on the blog. This is much easier for me.
pirate: I have also found that some also lose typing ability when viewing erotic images. Not sure if it has to do with seeing the images, or their hands in their panties/undies.
mallory: for a long time, I thought guys got hairy palms when masterbating, but since girls got periods, we were somehow exempt from the whole hairy mess. Kinda silly, I know.
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