Okay, I have caught something from fellow bloggers. I have caught the blahs. A co-worker would say, "I'd rather have a hole in the head than the blahs." I don't know much about anatomy – well, I know a lot about penises, but that's another story. Where was I? Penises. No. Must have self-control.
I don't know much about anatomy, but I know I don't want a hole in my head. I'd much rather have many, many other things than a hole in a head. But I guess if I had a hole in the head, I would have something to blog about.
Now my entry for today: I want to know how many people know that it is duct tape and not duck tape. I thought I was fairly smart, and then this fact comes and bites me in the arse. I wrote this on Bored Housewife's blog today, and it got me to thinking – if I am wrong about this, what else do I think I know that I don't know about.
What if, for instance, my perception of why it rains is all wrong. Maybe we live under some big clear dish, and rain comes from condensation on the top of the dish. What if gravity doesn't really exist?
And I don't even know how the electrons I type end up on the "web." Oh, my head hurts.
Random Acts of Kindness Week is 2/14 - 2/20
1 week ago
This was so funny. When I was younger when I would say Herbs, I would say it like the name Herb.
GP, the British pronounce it that way because, as Eddie Izzard says, "It's got a fucking 'H' in front of it."
My siblings and mother used to like to play head games with me and teach me the wrong way to pronounce words as a joke. I said "quarple" instead of "quadruple" for years, and couldn't decide how to pronounce asylum until my teens. Fortunately I lived in rural Kentucky, a land where "want" is pronounced "won't" and all sodas are called "Cokes" so nobody really noticed.
Too funny Grant.
Okay Leesa sweetie, you just admitted to me on my blog that 'you have your friend' as well.....
So I am assuming------that you are thinking WAY too much today! Whoa! A plate in the sky with condensation? I'd rather a nice cold beer dripping down, ...among other things I can sit here and list.
It's true. Writers are thinkers. Is that a bad thing, or a good thing?
Love your writing too!!! You make me think too much though! Damn you!
Leesa, you are hilarious! I must read your archives!
Leesa, you are very witty, I am going to be coming to your blog from now on. I simply cannot wait to find plenty of time to read your archives...
BTW, I wanted to thank you for coming and visiting my blog, and commenting, even though I was not the one who wrote the "purdy" post. Beans wrote that one..
And yes, I did know it was duct instead of duck, but I rather like "duck!"
What about people saying "french" benefits instead of fringe? I know there are some more but my brain is fried for now...
Have a great weekend...
georgiapeach: the correct pronunciation is herbs, like the name. The h is not supposed to be silent...
Just thought you would like to know. Have a great weekend..
A bit of enlightenment...
The product, "DUCT" tape was in fact originally called "DUCK" tape!
It was manufactured for military use in the second world war and was made for sealing the metal ammunition boxes and keep them safe from inclement weather. It was contracted for it's waterproof qualities and was thus dubbed,
"DUCK" tape. The company that manufactured the product needed to change the name after the war to keep it marketable, so they changed the color from olive drab to silver and sold it to hardware stores for household use and building contractors. They then changed the name to "DUCT" tape to target a larger consumer base.
Thought you just might want to know.
Dear Leesa, here is the perfect idea for your Newly Single Dress: neon pink & clear duct tape! Or do you look better in blue? You are hot! Passion, David
Leesa- My favorite fall use for duct-duck tape, measure round your head, with a bit extra for overlap, stick on colorful leaves until the sticky (except the overlap ammount)is all covered and close the crown with the overlap...ta-da! Youre the Autumn Queen!
I made this craft up in a moment of desperation thanks to a friend who mis-pronounces "crayons" "crowns"---she was sugesting leaf rubbings...I ran with the "idea"
I did know it was "duct" but everyday I discover there are many things I don't know as much about as I thought I did.
I had always believe the military's findings that the tape was useless when submerged (dissolved too quickly) was what spurred the inventors to rename it to "duct". (This was related to me by my WW2 era father who also taught me that "fubar" was no worse than "snafu".)
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