I like using analogies. It is a way of wrapping my brain around a more complex issue, or perhaps it can be a new way to examine an issue. Whatever the case, I like analogies.
The other day I was working out at the gym on the treadmill, and the news was on. Nothing thrilling so far. But then I started thinking about health and fitness – partly because they had an iPod/Nike report on the news. But it occurred to me that most Americans don't take care of themselves (healthwise) as well as they take care of their cars.
I mean, I change the oil in my car every 3,000 miles. Well, I pay someone to change the oil. But my car gets a check up at that time, and the mechanics make sure everything looks okay.
Side note: why are mechanics normally so uber-sexy? I mean, I am way into clean hands, but I see a set of powerful hands that have oil on them, and I wonder what those hands could be doing to my . . . . Oh, sorry. And it is a little concerning, because mostly, I want people to wash their darned grubby hands.
Back to the oil change – no sexual innuendo opportunity here. I mean, I look at my tires weekly to make sure they are properly inflated. Actually hubby does check with the tire gauge (is that what it is called?) every week or two because my eyeballing the tire pressure is not super-accurate. I make sure there is gas in the car. The works. My car is not new or hot, but it runs well.
Now my body. Do I get yearly check-ups? Sort of. I get a pap smear every year or so, and I honestly think this is some sort of sadistic practice that will be ridiculed in the future. "Can you believe that doctors used to sandpaper woman's cervixes for the diagnosis of cancer? And now we just draw blood." I am sure this will happen. I mean, I don't intentionally not care about my health. I work out, and I see others work out. But I would guess that I am in the minority at work.
We go to the doctor when something goes wrong, and I would say men more than women. I have yearly checkups, and hubbie has not gone for a checkup at his doctor's office since we have been married. He had to get a blood test the year we were married, so he thought he would also get a full checkup. He has not been since for preventative maintenance.
I am actually feeling under the weather today – I normally post by 7:30 or 8:00 am, and here it is lunchtime, and I have yet to post. Guess I should go to the doctor and see what is wrong.
Memorial Day Comment
With regard to my last two posts. They were about veterans and Memorial Day. Goddess, an occasional reader and a member of Ddot's commission, wrote me a really wonderful comment, and I wanted to share it here:
Being in the military for the last 9 years, it has been my experience that the members of our ranks are not uneducated, underprivileged people. Sure, we have those. But most that I have encountered have come from middle class homes. Maybe their families did not have a zillion bucks, but they were never lacking for anything either. Some joined for the GI Bill, to pay for college. Some joined to learn a trade or skill. Some claim that they were lied to by their recruiters, (but I have a problem with that.... you are joining the Army. What do you think the Army does? Builds campfires and sing camp songs?) but most that I know, joined because they WANTED TO. They WANTED to serve their country. They WANTED to be a part of this organization.
I know "civilians" who tell me how sorry they are that I am in the military, how sorry they are that I was away from family at Christmas or Thanksgiving. How they are "so sorry" I had to leave my 1 1/2 year old daughter to go to Korea for 12 months. And while I appreciate their thoughts and concern, I think to myself, "Do not be sorry for me. I choose this life. I choose the life that takes me away from my family at times so that you can always be with your family. While you are 26 years old, just starting out life after college, entering the workforce, I am already at middle management level. While you have thousands of dollars in student loans, I have my education paid for. While you have never left the state, I have been to 7 different countries. While you have stayed with the same group of friends since high school, or college, I have met hundreds of the best people in the world."
Yes, we sacrifice. And that should be remembered. Our veterans should be honored, and treated with reverence. They have done things and seen things that other people can not even fathom.
For that man and his family to live in at a campground is disgraceful. It is horrific for anyone, but for a man that put his life in the hands of those who control the government, it is disgraceful.
Thank you for caring, Leesa. The thought means more than you could ever imagine.
Random Acts of Kindness Week is 2/14 - 2/20
1 week ago