Several things have occurred to me recently, and many of them are about our public verses our private lives. Let me explain some of the reasons for pondering this.
Ian said this on my comments yesterday: "And, even though Rob and Laura slept on twin beds, Rob once asked Laura, mid-afternoon, if she'd like to go and "rest." Subtle, but to the point. So, we know Rob and Laura had sex."
Okay, people, I was not thinking of having sex with Dick Van Dyke. I find it interesting that his name is not fodder for jokes, but as I just typed it, well, lets move on. I was thinking that even on sit-coms, there were "private moments." Not everything was out-in-the-public. Sure, for media outlets, it makes financial sense for there to be avenues that are no-holds-bar. Is that the phrase?
At work yesterday, a co-worker announced to the group (men and woman, different ages, backgrounds, etc.) that "I had the best sex last night." Er, we really did not want to know about it. And I am not just talking about sex.
I really don't care to hear about medical operations or unusual discharges. And I don't know what the big deal about the color of a baby's poop really is. Such a lovely shade of green, I was told once. Now, I will admit, without the personal knowledge of having children, perhaps something goes off in your brain, and when an infant "performs" in the pooping sense, perhaps that is a victory of sorts. I can understand pooping in the potty, or peeing in the potty, especially for the spraying little male cherubs, but for the color of an infant's poop. It is not like the infant thought, "I have an idea. I think I will poop green today."
Four, maybe five people I keep up with blogging have changed the URLs to their sites recently. Some of it is them wanting to do something different, but part of it is that "someone has found my site." That also reminded me of privacy.
If anyone ever found out who I am, I think I would disappear. So I use an older photo and blur it. Luckily most people who know me either can't read or don't read blogs.
There are some positives about having things more public. I think things like abuse are now more in the light; people can find each other and heal. And I have, on occasions, shared deeply personal things with friends because I thought that offering would help them heal from something they were going through at the time.
Past generations were a bit more discrete. I can remember finding out really BIG things when I was in college – Great Granny So-and-So killed herself? Why did someone not tell me about this before? Aunt So-and-So had breast cancer? Hey, I am family too! Why did you not tell me earlier? I am not really saying putting things out in the public are good or bad – guess part of it is a matter of taste. Just don't tell me about your gall bladder operation or that discharge that is puzzling you. Because not only is it not really my business, but I don't want to know.
PS: If you have slept with anyone famous, I will say I don't want to know, but I want the blow-by-blow (so to speak) details. Honest!
Random Acts of Kindness Week is 2/14 - 2/20
1 week ago
Funny..I work with a woman who is almost 60 years old, is seeing a married 70 year old guy and always insists on telling me about their sexcapades. She's a whackjob for sure.
Hey I know, lets tell everyone at work about how great our sexual exploits are and see how many sexual harassment lawsuits we can get in one day.
Personally, I think the reason Mr. Van Dyke wasn't the butt of so many jokes (no pun intended) was due to the zenith of his career occuring at a time where decency was a standard, not an exception.
Hi Leesa, interesting what people like to talk about, what people put out there.
There are general interest blogs: sitcoms, tv, stat trekkies, film buffs, mtv, latest music vids, ...
There are personal interest blogs: cats, dogs, horses, boats, cars, women, men, women, more women, ...
There are personal blogs: me and my baby, me and my pussy, me and my friend, boyfriend, you know ...
There are more educational and information exchage blogs: climate sciences, biology, astronomy, art, cosmology, physics, history, literature, national geographic,...
There are self-help and healing blogs: how I beat cancer, how I was abused, how I discovered anal interests, how I found myself, how I dealt with mother's passing, how I survived break up and divorce...
There are bloggers who wonder why no one visits them, uhh reallY? and there are bloggers in their own little niche wonder how people find them, helloo! you are in the blogosphere, click next blog
But most of all there are blogs for all sorts of interes, like cliques in the strret or pub, but with anonimity which allows you a candidness and/or falseness until some bloggers themselves forget where the line between what is true or false is, and some who will rant about whatever attracts an audience. Like experimental stand up comics.
Then there are other blogs which I find personally interesting either becausethe blogger is interesting or the posts are ...
So, you say Debs skinny dipping in moonlight can have an effect on peple maybe even 'raise' tides. lol!
But tell me Leesa, you what does your present You look like. How disguised are you in your profile pic, ten twenty thirty fourty years ... no need to answer.
And what do you think of strangers that come round and leave long drawn out comments on your posts. Only answer that if it's not abusive.
PS - The eleventh dimension, ehh
You knoe Taipei 101 has a fast lift that can whoosh you to the top, it could go faster, but they dampen the speed specially coming down.
Well to get to the 11th domension you have to slowly go thru the 5th dimension, and other dimensions...
And who or what do you call famous
Anonymity is important to me too. Only a small handful of people know my real name. Few know where I live, fewer what I do for a living. I think private stuff should stay private unless an invite to tell is offered.
Someone famous? How famous does it need to be?
mike: It is rather humerous, I am sure.
tony: plus Mr. Vean Dyke could dance, sing, deliver humor. He was great.
quasar9: I think I will post Monday about this. Sort of. Thanks for the thought.
ed: a bit part on a television show doesn't count. Unless it was a popular show.
Leesa, I always enjoy reading your blog even though I don't usually comment. I like your intelligence. I do notice, however, that because you are attractive you often get lewd and smarmy comments from some of the gentlemen. Kind of goes with the territory, I guess, doesn't it? Unfortunately.
I do find, also, that there are a lot of blogs out there that are waaay to personal for me. Am I really interested in what the anesthetist said just before the person's hip replacement operation? And do I want the details of their drug regimen? Not really.
My little blog is definitely boring, but that's because I try to keep it fairly neutral.
I didnt know you were in disguise. Now that I think about it, Ive always had this feeling that you were Elvis.
While I agree with you on people announcing parts of their lives out loud to the general public..... annoying and TMI, I don't mind listening to a good sex story, providing it is not being told by someone who turns my stomache..... think Mimi on the Drew Cary show....
While I have revealed a few very personal items on my blog in the past, I prefer the anonymity. Maybe that's why I keep backing out of oppurtunities I've had to meet other bloggers(one in particular). That way, no one ends up disappointed after meeting me.
josie: thanks for those sweet comments.
gw mush: not Elvis; would not mind being Prisilla Presley (does she get some of the cash?)
oswald: or Drew Cary!
bruce: smart man.
goddess: so instead of appearing as if you have a split personality, you have four blogs that are more homogenous. Interesting.
Hmm...if I ever get someone to sleep with me, I'll do my best to make sure that they're famous.
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