A couple of weeks ago, I was at a party and we were talking about reading. One man said very proudly that he read 50 book the previous year. He said he set a goal for 100 books for the year, but after the first few weeks, it was obvious that he could not make that goal. So he changed his goal to 50 books for the year.
I made the comment that I was extremely impressed for reading 50 books in a year. I actually, probably a dozen years ago, read 52 books in a year. An average of one book per week, and we are not talking about children's books.
The conversations unfolded like this:
Leesa: Wow, when did you get the time to read 50 books in one year. I have only done it once, and it was incredibly difficult.
Book Reader: I use my time very effectively.
Leesa (thinking to herself): Arrogant prick.
Leesa: And no children's books?
Book Reader: No, we are talking novels, mostly. Books on tape.
Leesa: So you didn't actually read the books, did you?
Book Reader: Sure, it is the same thing. The words are the same.
Leesa (thinking to herself): Arrogant prick. You used Cliff's Notes to get through high school, didn't you?
Leesa: I actually read 50 books one year. Real books.
I sort of felt like a book snob, but I could not imagine anyone equating reading with listening to a book on tape. I am not saying that listening to books on tape is not pleasurable. I have done it in the past. I just don't get it confused with reading.
< /hr>I saw on The Moon Topples that there will be a literary contest that starts on the stroke of midnight on Tuesday. Here is part of the post:
And, of course, we have the GBA(s)FC #2 starting at the stroke of Tuesday. The rules and prompt will be posted at or around midnight. Once you see that post, the contest is live, adn entries are welcome. Last time, there were 44 entries, and I'm hopeful that we can repeat that success. Any help in spreading the word is greatly appreciated, and I'm still accepting applications for jurors to help in selecting the Jury Prize.
Now I have read this twice, and I don't know if it starts Tuesday morning (at the stroke of Midnight on Monday night), or the following night. I think the former is right, but you know, I am a bit clueless. I don't know really what this is about (the writing part is obvious), so if you want, go on over and check it out.
Random Acts of Kindness Week is 2/14 - 2/20
1 week ago