"Music gives wings of freedom to the enslaved."
- The Muse Box
This was written by a fellow blogger. It is quite a beautiful sentence, the kind of sentence you want rattling around in your brain, turning the phrase, looking for meaning.
In America, the word "slavery," "enslaved" and the like, have a lot of baggage – and rightly so. The United States was one of the last countries to emancipate slaves, doing it far later than most other "first world" countries. Now, I don't want to get into why this was – as books have been written about it. Suffice it to say, because of this history, "enslave" carries much deserved baggage.
But if you are trapped in a cage or with shackles, what good are wings? And the answer, perhaps makes all of the difference. I am going to expand this a bit – I want to think of the enslaved as those trapped, caged, or whatever. During WWII, many were trapped in Concentration Camps throughout Europe (and in the US; ironic how this country, land of the free and all, has many blots on its reputation). One such trapped person was a priest (Bishop Neuhausler) in one of these concentration camps (Dachau) – actually, many priests were housed at Dachau, as there was even a "priest cell" and specific "priest patch" worn on their clothes. Father Neuhausler survived Dachau – and he of course, was asked why he survived when others did not. It was not singing or music, but prayer, that helped him. I have heard other accounts – the hostage crisis in the late 70's, for instance, and the people who did well mentally had something in common – many had prayer, but others had a vision of them after leaving captivity. They willed themselves to believe in their future. And I can see music helping this.
Music allows us to share in one another's emotions – perhaps in a deeper way than writing affords. Actually, I have changed my blog a bit, and started reading an audio blog – more of a music blog. Plus, when I visit others blogs, I enjoy the music more.
For instance, when visiting n-search the other day, I heard a wonderful song that I would not have heard otherwise. I just checked GP's site to get her URL (she sometimes but not always has music streaming), and she has a very powerful post. It sort of derailed my thinking.
Crap. Well, this is a bit unusual, but I am going to stop my post now. Go over to GP's site, but be warned, there are some very gruesome photographs concerning America's past. Sorry – but at least you get two posts today. One crappy one earlier today, and this, unfinished one.
Random Acts of Kindness Week is 2/14 - 2/20
1 week ago
For me, music is the base soul to every theme or story in life. It gives movies an edge to the storyline. It enhances your mood; it can lift you up and it can also make you feel sad. It brings back fond memories and it also brings back memories of sadness. Music is so important. Classical music has effects on our intellect as well. It’s been proven. There are healing factors to music.
Funny you should mention audio blogging, because as a musician, I am trying to put together songs that I have written to be put on my blog. I write and compose music---mostly new age, classical guitar and folk. I think it’s important even as a child to be introduced to music as well as instruments. It has mind-developing influences that make us appreciate the beauty ‘behind’ the music as well.
This post has a lot of meaning for me on a personal level... and the timing is perfect. I jsut got a job (after not working since 1998), but the drive is over an hour. For years, I was plagued with panic attacks, and cars became a huge trigger for me. In a way, I had become a slave to my own brain. Years have past since I've had a full blown "episode" but driving long distances still kind of freaks me out. Now I have to drive, and I have to confront the craziness once and for all. Music was a huge help today. Jamming on some Zeppelin with just my thoughts, reminded me how much I used to love driving, before my brain starting fucking with me! Hopefully, today's success is a good sign for the future.
(I realize this pales in comparison to the kind of enslavement you were discussing.... I just thought I'd share...)
~deb: I think I would like your music, sweetie.
goddess: Dachua is a powerful place. An awful place, but a powerful place.
rachael: enslavement shares common feelings which are awful.
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