Porn seems to be made for men. Not all porn, but the limited amount I have seen.
First off, all the leading men of "regular porn" seem to be sort of average. Portly. With a lot of hair. One third of the men I see in the supermarket are hotter than the "actors" in heterosexual porn. I remember someone once saying that they were a fan of gay porn – I have not seen any, but I imagine that the participants are hotter. Plus there are probably more penises in gay porn. And that seems like a bonus. Oh, and I guess the reason that the men are older and more regular is to connect with the viewers. And many of them are like the male actors.
Then there are the leading ladies. If the men are in their forties, the women are crack whore twenty-year-olds. And I don't identify with the women being portrayed. I mean, I am not a meth-induced toothpick, nor do I think so carelessly about good anal health. Since my primary drive is to view naked men, most of the women do very little for me.
Then the script. Or lack thereof. I mean, when I view a movie, I like to see a beginning, middle and end. Plot twists, creative banter. And the porn I see has little of it. I mean, except for the pizza guy scenes, where the pizza guy rings the bell (the beginning), then the sex (middle), and end (when the blonde gives him a wonderful tip). And the only plot twist would be where I put the anchovies. So plot is not essential to porn.
And the banter. "Yeah, that feels good," is not a good line. Or "harder." Or a moan. It seems like the camera guy just turns on the camera, and the actors make things up as they go.
Then the lighting is either poor, or two harsh or whatever. Not that I have a cinematographer's eye, but you have seen the movies. Or not.
I don't care enough about porn to do something about it, except to complain about it.
Random Acts of Kindness Week is 2/14 - 2/20
1 week ago
Dare I comment on this one? I just emailed you. :D
Softcore is generally much sexier. Softcore is about fantasy, whereas hardcore is usually just boring repetition. Some of the actresses are fun to look at - especially the ones with massive fake boob jobs who have to hold them in place to keep from being beaten to death.
On the other hand, you should check out some Japanese porn (not American stuff with ethnically Asian people, real Japanese porn). I read a plot synopsis of one which sounded like a porn / horror cross. It was a lesbian tale with the actresses dressed as elementary school girls and was the only porn film I've ever heard of that included four deaths (one murder and it ended with a triple suicide). I think J-porn, like J-horror, is geared to attempt to mess you up for life.
I never liked the dialog in porn or the men or the over-drama of the women. But the sounds are awesome. I'm auditory I guess. I've never seen gay porn, but I'm guessing I would like it about as much maybe as you liking girl on girl porn.
I'll take the sounds ...
~deb: thanks. I actually wrote this Friday and when I posted it, it did not post. Probably me.
grant: I never even touched on Japanese porn.
edge: I would rather listen to porn than actually watch it. I understand, Jef.
Grant has such a girly side to him...he likes "plots". hehe! Soft core. WIMP! (just kidding)
So, you're auditory too, huh?
It's too bad you don't care enough. I would like to see a porn flick you produced with a good plot and realistic actors.
"Since my primary drive is to see naked men ... "
Who says women aren't visually stimulated like men?
My issue is that porn gets boring quick and the women never look like any woman I know ... or even ever see.
rwa: I had to read twice to get your meaning. Funny!
frank: good points!
I guess the answer is to create one's own pornographic scenes, since most porn is excruciatingly boring once one's past a certain age and has seen in real life some adventures that porn could never capture.
Added to which, I never liked scenes in which another male is involved because I always wanted to picture myself there. Guess that's why lesbian porn is pretty popular with males.
Thanks, again, to Leesa for an great topic. It sparked a whole blog entry of it's own, but I won't take up her valuable real estate for all of my ramblings.
Porn is like a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. Every PB&J is made the same. Sure, the PB may be chunky or smooth, the jam may be strawberry or apricot, and the bread may be white or dark, but it's always the same.
It's always tasty, and it does for a quick snack, a tasty treat between real meals, but it's vaguely unsatisfying and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Porn is the snack, but soon you want higher quality, and more authenticity. Porn gets us going and gets us off, but it's inherent PB&J sameness gets old.
If you want to read my other post, please go to
ian: you know, alot of lesbian porn is not really made for lesbians. Or so I have heard.
advisor: I sort of like PBJ for an occasional meal. What does that say about me?
That's why I don't like the kind of porn that follows a story line. Just show me people having sex for the sake of having sex while being filmed.
Hi Leesa,
porn is made mostly by men so it doesn't wonder why the cameras are focused on the women (to be more precise, on specific body regions). You won't see much of the men as that's not what the male users want to see. I've seen some porn movies and none of them really was good enough to be watched again. In fact, they all showed nearly the same type of porn and the story line - if you can call it so - was absolutely useless.
You may check out a movie called "9 songs". There has been some discussion if this one should be classified as a porn movie. There are some very direct close-ups which could be rated as XXX. But then, a german free-to-air TV station aired this movie late at night some weeks ago. Nudeness in TV is not a problem here in Germany, but this kind of movie is not simply erotic, but has some hardcore scenes according to the definition of what hardcore is. On the other hand, it has a story line and all the sex scenes between the same two persons are perfectly fitting in my opinion. For me, it was just normal to see some body parts in detail.
But what is good porn? It must be something that both sexes can watch without having the feeling that it only stimulates one. Good porn can extend your sex life by giving you new ideas. From my point of view, explicit sex scenes are OK if they are really part of the story. For example, a hardcore version of "9 1/2 weeks" would be nice to watch but only if the porn is not the first thing you'll see. Starting with erotic scenes and showing sometimes more than in the original could be fun for everyone.
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