Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I'm Not Back

For the handful of people who have me listed as a feed, I am not back. I just needed to post and image, and and since I really have no other presence on the web, I am using this old Blogger account. Sorry that the image has nothing to do with the blog . . . I just needed a way to post an image.

For those of you who know me . . . or I should say, "who knew me from my writing", I would hope you would be surprised that I am participating in one of these multi-player something or other games. Well, it is not not truly something I would have predicted for myself. I guess I got hooked at the beginning because there were these "quests" . . . if you clicked on a few things, the computer told you that you did a good job and rewarded you with a few little digital prizes. I am by no means a gamer, but if someone says I am doing well and gives me a gift on top of that, I am a complete sucker and will stick around. Sort of happened with my writing here . . . no digital gifts, but the praise in the comments and the mention on other blogs hooked me. My dirty little secret, I suppose.

Well, the game does not praise me anymore and the small group of people who I met online and was part of their group threw me out because they thought I was communicating with a bully. So I am sure it is a matter of time before the game loses its allure completely. And honestly, making things is much more appealing than fighting people. On the blog, I liked creating blog entries and building up people's confidence by saying good (and true) things about their writing. It was not as fun to tear down someone's writing - point out a comma fault or an argument that, well, was not cogent.

Sorry about the tease. Part of me wants to come back and write every once in a while, but I am not sure that would be a good idea long term. Book ideas still in my head but not on paper. And I hope the best to each and every one who I met while blogging. I hope there are a few still around.


Anonymous said...

Never the less, great to hear from you. You crossed my mind the other day.

LarryLilly said...

I check your blog weekly. Glad your doing well.

Xmichra said...

You're not back now, but you think about being back, and you were here, and maybe in the future you might be back?

This is like the worst mind puzzle ever of past/present/future.

Welcome forth ;)

Michael Mullady said...

I hope those ideas find their way out in some way for you. Wish you the best as always and still following, even if there is only a once a year update.

Principled Slut said...

You knew me under several different blogger incarnations... wouldn't mind if you returned, but understand if you don't.

Ian Lidster said...

I want you to come back my longtime crushee. I've missed you a lot, since you were always a particular favorite.


I would be nice if you can start writing again!

Suling Ling said...

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